Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Exporting to Excel

You can export multiple grids from a segment document to the Document Repository or an FTP Server.


  1. In the Workspace, select the cross tab that you want to export.
    If required, you can open multiple cross tabs to export in the same segment document.
  2. Flip the cross tab to display the Excel configuration settings.
  3. Do one of the following:
  • If you do not want to apply a template to the exported data, use the default configuration settings and proceed to step 4.
Note: When you are exporting multiple grids at the same time, if you have specified an Excel template for any one grid then this will override the default settings for every grid that you export and as such, the template will be applied to all exported grid data.
  • To export the data using a predefined template, click the Browse button to display the Document Store. You can then navigate to and select the required Excel template, and then click the Select button. After you have selected the template, enter the name of the template's start point (as specified in the above instructions).
  1. Flip back to the grid display.
  2. Ensure that you have selected each grid that you want to export.

You can select multiple grids to export to the same spreadsheet, by selecting the first grid, pressing <Ctrl> and then selecting each additional required grid. Selected grids are highlighted in orange. For example:

Note: Ensure that you have configured the Excel Settings for each grid that you are exporting.
  1. On the General ribbon bar, select Files > Excel Spreadsheet.

The Save As window is displayed.

  1. Navigate to the local directory in which you want to store the exported data then in the File name field, enter a name for the new spreadsheet.
  2. Click Save.

The new spreadsheet containing the exported data will be available in the specified location.

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